Feminism Now!

Published on by Eminset N.


I keep on hearing this word again and again and again . Am indeed a feminist but I feel that it's now much more corrupted than when I first start to believe in this notion. At first , it meant nothing to me but seeking the equality between men and women , providing women with the rights they for long been denied of. A simple word . A simple meaning . A simple goal. But as soon as I open facebook or twitter or any sort of media in general, I start feeling lost and unwanting to be a part of all this chaos that's going on . Feminism started for me as a cause to prove myself , to detach myself from the patriarchal society am living in, not as a means to hurt someone or to step over someone in order to prove a point , because that's pretty much what feminism nowadays means...

Still, to the very core lies a loyal feminist indeed .

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