My Friend

Published on by Tesnime Nasr

A moment of true friendship, If am allowed to call it that way . What does it mean to be a friend ?
sharing only laughter and good times isn't quite actually being good friends but being two people who wanted to experience the happy moments together.
Seeing your friend in a deep emotional moment crying his eyes out remembering someone dear is a moment of test for you. Not only will it show if you are a good friend but such reaction will reveal what kind of person you are.
Holding your hand at that moment was a complete reaction to the state of weakness you were having, I dont recall thinking it over or deciding whether to pay attention or not. All that I wanted to do at that time is to show you that you can share your pain with me even with the simplest gesture of holding your hand, letting you know that what you were feeling isn't that terrifying anymore , and at that moment you became my friend.

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